Monday, November 24, 2008


Dani Menser
Comm 336

Before taking this course I had no feeling towards the media and or the government. I wanted nothing to do with politics and or the media. In my eyes you could not trust either on of them in anyway, shape, or form. They both lied and never said anything hardily ever that was anywhere near the truth. When I signed up for this course I headed into it with the thought of no matter what I learned it still was probably all going to be lies. And I knew we were going to be discussing the election and I told myself that I was going to do the assignments and that was it, I was not going to get drug into the ways of the political and or media world.
Now my views are completely and utterly different. This class has taught me how to dig for the truth and how to tell who is lying and who is being honest. This class has helped me in ways to find out what I never thought was possible, it has shown me how to find honest journalist, or well slightly honest. I know also have followed up and watch the complete election coverage and actually enjoyed it. I did my own research and found out what I needed to know about each politician and have come to my own conclusion despite my family’s views. I know have a much broader view on the whole thing and hope to keeping getting more interested and more knowledgeable on it all.
I believe that this class was taught very well. The only thing in this class I had a hard time following was the blog assignments. I still don’t quite understand what you were looking for in them. I never have blogged before and maybe I am just out of the loop and not understanding them, but other than that this was a very well put together class and I really enjoyed it a lot. I really enjoyed how open ended your questions were for discussion and how you let us all have our own point of views. You never forced your views on us like most teachers and I really respected you for that.

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